Thank you for your time and dedication to our club! We hope you find the resources on this page useful.
Our Coach Coordinator recommends the following tools for coaches.
SoccerXpert: Soccer drills, training & practice ideas. SoccerXpert has an app that is available on Apple and Android devices
Mojo Sport: Youth sports coaching resources. Mojo Youth Sports Coaching has an app that is available on Apple and Android devices
The US Soccer Learning Center has training tools and libraries available for coaches to utilize. There are 2 subfolders under the "Planning" tab that we recommend you explore; Training Exercises and Training Sessons.
Youtube and online videos are also a great source for new game ideas.
This is the required registration process for all coaches, assistants and team managers. All team staff are required to complete the Risk Management process per WYSA policy. The process is outlined below:
Step 1 (3-5 minutes): Click the orange button to the left to register yourself as a Volunteer, then select "Risk Management" and enter your personal information. Complete the process through to Check-out (the cost for the registration order will be $0).
Step 2 (5-10 minutes): If you have not completed a background check in the last two years, you will receive an email from WYSA requesting one. Follow the link in this email and complete the application ASAP; the cost is $15 and the club will reimburse you if requested for Eagle River. Others please check with your town coordinator.
Step 3 After WYSA reviews the application, HYSA will receive notification of your approved status. This review process may take a 2 or 3 days.
As an association affiliated with WYSA, we strive to be in compliance with all WYSA policies (click HERE for a complete list). The additional documents and links below are important guides for team staff members to reference as well as interested parents and guardians.
ViewTo ensure our referees have a positive environment where they feel safe and able to grow as officials and in accordance with WYSA’s Zero Tolerance Policy:
- A coach or spectator may only communicate in a positive way with a referee.
- The coach is responsible for ensuring all spectators associated with his/her team follow these guidelines relating to communication with a referee; especially a referee.
- A coach/spectator may not express any disagreement or dissatisfaction with the officiating to the youth referee.
- A coach/spectator may not, before, during, or after a game, discuss with a referee their critique of the referee’s performance, other than to thank and compliment the referee.
Youth sports is about the youth and having fun! Sideline behavior affects everyone present, let’s make it a pleasant experience for everyone!
Click here to view the WYSA Zero Tolerance Policy
Click Here To View Player Code of Conduct
Click Here to View Parent/Guardian Code of Conduct